Welcometo the world of pumpkins
PumpKins markets
Pioneering NFTxDeFi memes in the JPThor ecosystem. $WOP NFTs & $PUMP tokens assured by $WEWE. Powered by .NAP from b0rder1ess

Stage 1: WL Application - Vampire Attack
Stage 2: WOP (World of Pumpkins) NFT Mint on Magic Eden
Your NFT:
- NFT WOP = $PUMP token
- Each of the 888 NFTs will be backed by $PUMP tokens
- Swap for $PUMP tokens via NAP at any time
- Sell on Magic Eden NFT marketplace for $
- Hold as a piece of meme art
Stage 3: Launch of the $PUMP Token and $WEWE-Backed Liquidity Pool on .NAP
.NAP to Assure NFTs with $PUMP tokens, allowing early NFT holders to obtain $PUMP via .NAP, hold NFTs, or swap later. Enjoy your NFTs however you like—just have fun!
Launch liquidity pool with $WEWE (PART OF NFT MINT PROCEEDS) to Organise $PUMP liquidity.
Benefits of owning a WOP NFT:
- TOKEN buy/sell tax Will Increase Assurance behind each NFT
- Royalties will buyback and burn $PUMP and affect assurance value
What's Next?
No one knows—expect chaos and pure madness. It's the ultimate sandbox for .NAP.